Centers for the treatment of autism and learning disabilities

Experimental research
and Interior color design

Color project for the Centers for the study and treatment of autism and generalized developmental disorders of the San Paolo Hospital in Milan. 

Research group: Cristina Boeri, Marilisa Pastore, Lab. Colore research center, Design Department, Politecnico di Milano, Eva Bellini, architect, Head of U.S. Projects and Humanization, medical team, prof. Carlo Lenti, Dr. Monica Saccani, U.O. Child neuropsychiatry.


Boeri C. (2017), Una sperimentazione finalizzata a comprendere l’impatto della componente cromatica all’interno degli ambienti dedicati alla cura dell’autismo, in Bisson M., edited by, Environmental Design: IInd International Conference on Environmental Design, Proceedings (reviewed papers) of the IInd International Conference on Environmental Design, Mediterranean Design Association, 30-31 March 2017, Torino, Italy, De Lettera Publisher, Milano, pp. 33-38.

Cristina Boeri + Marilisa Pastore x Lab. Colore, Politecnico di Milano
Milano (Italy)
Client: :
San Paolo Hospital
Year: :